Batch Invoicing

Streamline the creation of client invoices by using therapyzen's batch invoicing feature. Use this feature to convert all  Non-Invoiced Services into client invoices with the click of just a single button. Once created, client invoices can be paid manually or scheduled to process automatically using therapyzen's Auto Pay feature.

Did you know?

You can also let therapyzen create your invoices automatically overnight using our auto-invoicing feature.  Just enable Auto Invoicing and all of your daily Non-Invoices Services will be converted into client invoices at the end of day.

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How do I use the Batch Invoicing feature?

To convert all appointments you have marked as kept, late canceled or no show, into client invoices, you will use the batch invoicing feature.  The batch invoicing feature will let you select any or all of your newly created Non-Invoiced Services and quickly generate your billable client invoices.  Once created, those new invoices can be paid manually from the client ledger or automatically overnight using therapyzen's auto-pay feature.

Getting Started

1. Set the status of your client's appointment 

From the Home page, let therapyzen know that your client's appointment took place by using the Check-In button.  Set the appointment status for each appointment using one of the three billable statuses available: 'kept', 'late canceled' or 'no show'.

2. Your client appointments then become services waiting 'To Be Invoiced'.

A Non-Invoiced Service is therapyzen's way of recognizing that a client has a billable service that is ready to be modified or converted to an invoice for payment.  Find the To Be Invoiced widget by scrolling down the Home page to see your services waiting to be invoiced.

2a. Select the services you would like to batch invoice and click the 'Batch Invoice' button to proceed.

3. Review your Non-Invoiced Services before generating invoices.

Use the Batch Invoice Review form to quickly review all Non-Invoiced Services for accuracy before creating your invoices.  For each Non-Invoiced Service, you can make the following edits from this form:

  • Insert your own custom invoice numbers, or let therapyzen generate them for you automatically.  If you use your own custom invoice numbers, do not use duplicate invoice numbers.
  • Edit the service type rate
  • Edit the number of service units
  • Designate how invoices are created for group/couple appointments

3a. Designate invoice options for groups/couples during the Batch Invoice Review

Group invoices require that a payer distribution be set to determine which group/couple member is responsible for the invoice and payment.  There are 3 options to select from when creating a group/couple invoice:

  • Single Invoice - One Payer:  This option creates a single invoice with one group member selected as the responsible party for payment.
  • Multiple Invoices - Full Amount to Each:  This option creates an invoice for each group/couple member and each invoice is for the full amount of the rendered service.
  • Multiple Invoices - Equal Distribution to Each:  This option creates an invoice for each group/couple member but divides the service total equally among each generated invoice. 

4. Create your batch of new invoices.

Now that you have reviewed all your Non-Invoiced Services and made any appropriate edits, you are now ready to create your invoices.  Simply click the Create Invoices button found at the bottom of the Batch Invoice Review form.

Woot, your new batch of invoices has now been created!

Your new invoices will now be viewable in the Open Invoices widget located at the bottom of the Home page.

These invoices can now be paid using any of the following methods:

  • Manually paid from the client's ledger
  • Manually paid by the client from the client portal
  • Paid automatically overnight using therapyzen's auto pay feature.

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