Client Invoicing

You don't have to be an accountant to manage your client payments in TherapyZen. We make it as simple as possible to create invoices, accept payments and process credit cards.  

The Client Ledger

Creating an Invoice

From the client ledger, just use the Create Invoice button to get started.

The Invoice Creation Form

When you click 'Add an Invoice Item', your new invoice will auto-populate with any recent services that were performed for your client. You can edit any part of your invoice before saving a final version for your client.

Accepting Payments From Your Client

To pay an open invoice, just click the Accept Payment link to get started.

The Accept Payment Form

Just enter the payment amount and payment method to reconcile your open invoice. If you have connected your Stripe account, easily process credit card payments with just a couple clicks. It's that easy!

Adding a Credit Card

Save a credit card to your client's account.

The Store Credit Card Info Form

Fill out the client's card number, expiration date, and CVC here.

Prorating Rendered Services

Adjust the cost of a session based on the time actually used.

Issuing a Write-Off

Write-off any unpaid invoices or adjust a fee.

The Write-Off Details Form

Apply a write-off to any of the client's open invoices.

Printing a Combined Statement

Quickly print multiple open invoices, closed invoices, or Superbills.

The Print Combined Statement Form

Specify the combined statement type and date range for the information you would like to print. Print up to 35 invoices at a time.

Managing Credit and Viewing the Detailed Ledger

Adjust the credit on a client's account and view the credits and debits to their ledger.

The Detailed Ledger 

Examine a client's invoice history in detail.

The Adjust Account Credit Form

Make changes to the credit on a client's account.

Printing Invoices and Superbills

Once an invoice has been paid, print a copy for your client. You can also print a Superbill for insurance reimbursement from the Paid Invoices grid.

Deliver Beautifully Formatted Invoices

Provide your clients with elegantly designed invoices that are easy to read and simple to understand.

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