Joining a Telehealth Session (for Clients)

Clients have three ways to join a telehealth meeting.  They can join a telehealth meeting using the unique meeting link that has been provided in their appointment reminders or they can join by logging into the client portal. If they misplaced the link sent in a reminder (or opted not to receive reminders) and opted to not use the portal, you can send them the link manually by an

Joining a telehealth session using a meeting link

  1. Once an appointment has been scheduled for a client, they will receive automated appointment reminders by email and SMS. Email reminders will contain the telehealth meeting link.
  2. A client can also join a meeting by receiving a meeting link from you by email or messaging tool.

Joining a telehealth session from the client portal

  1. Once an appointment has been scheduled for a client, the client can log in to the free client portal and join the meeting from the Appointments Today widget.

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