Managing Your Subscription

Whether you need to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription, TherapyZen subscription management is quite simple.

Important Note!

Only users with the role of Administrator/Owner have access to the subscription settings. If you are not the Admin/Owner, please contact the appropriate administrator to have these settings altered

1. Getting started

Click Settings in the main navigation menu to get to subscription management.

2. Manage your subscription

Find the Manage Your Subscription tab to view and edit your TherapyZen subscription.

3. Your current subscription description

Your current subscription details will be displayed in the My Subscription Details widget.

4. Upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription

To upgrade or downgrade your subscription, use the Change My Subscription button to make changes to your plan. To cancel your subscription, use the Cancel My Subscription button to stop your monthly subscription from renewing at the beginning of the next billing period.

5. Add or remove clinician licenses

Add or remove licenses to customize your service subscription.  Your rate will auto-adjust based on the number of clinician licenses you select.  Your new rate will take effect immediately.


TherapyZen is a pay-as-you-go service with no contracts or obligations, therefore, you may stop service at any time. We do not offer refunds or pro-rate monthly fees based on cancellation dates. If you need special assistance regarding billing, please contact us at

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