Delete an Invoice

Client invoicing in TherapyZen all takes place on the ledger section of a client record. Invoices can be created manually or with the help of using the Appointment Checkin process available on the TherapyZen Dashboard.

Here's a short list of things you can do in the client ledger; Create an Invoice, Process Payments, Issue Credits, Create Write-Offs, Print Invoices, Create Superbills.

The Client Ledger

1. Getting started

Navigate the the client record that you would like to create an invoice for.

2. The client ledger

Locate and click the Ledger tab on the client record.

3. Select an open invoice to delete

Locate the open invoice you would like to delete and click the 'Edit' button for that invoice. 

4. Delete the invoice

Click the red Delete Invoice button to remove the invoice from the client's ledger.  Any services on that invoice that were generated by an appoitment will be returned to the 'Service to be invoiced' grid.  

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