Scheduling Appointments for Groups

Scheduling appointments for groups is the same as scheduling for individual clients.  You don't need to schedule appointments individually for members of a group.  Just select the group name when creating the new appointment.

1. Getting started

Click Calendar in the main navigation menu to go to the appointment scheduling calendar.

2. Complete the appointment details form

Double-click the date/time of your appointment to display the New Appointment/Event form. Fill out the appointment details and for the Client(s) dropdown, select the group name.

3. Save and Verify

Appointments for groups will display on the group profile, however will also display on each individual record as well.

(Group Record with Upcoming Appointment)

4. Check In and Set Appointment Status

Just as you would with individual clients, Check In groups the same way on the Home Page Appointments widget. Set the appointment status to apply scheduled services and fees to the group record.

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