Creating a Group Record

For counseling couples and groups, TherapyZen provides a way to keep all of your client info, notes, treatment plans and invoices in a single record. Group records eliminate having to jump from client record to client record for providing counseling to multiple clients at once.

1. Getting started

Locate Couples/Groups in the main navigation

2. Creating a new couple/group record

In the Couples/Groups area, click the New Couple/Group button.

3. Provide a couple/group name and add group members

Enter a name for the couple or group. (Avoid using special characters). To add group members, search for existing clients in the system. Clients must have an individual record in TherapyZen to be added to a group record.

4. Review your new couple/group record

Once your new record has been created, you'll see each of your group members listed in the left panel of the record.

5. Adding more group members

If you decide to add more clients to the group record, simply use this button provided to add additional group members.

Add Client(s) to Group Form(Type or click input field to find individuals to add)

4. Removing group members

To remove a client from a group, use the delete button shown here to remove.

Important: You can not have less than 2 members of a couple/group, so the delete icon will not be present unless there are 3 or more members of the group record. If the group record needs to be dissolved, simply use the Active record toggle switch to mark the record as inactive.

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