Creating Custom Forms for the Portal

Creating your own custom forms for the portal is simple with therapyzen's Custom Form Builder. Create your very own data entry forms to gather data and collect digital signatures. Start from scratch or use one of our industry-approved templates to help you get started.

Learn more about adding custom forms to the portal

1. Getting started - Create a custom portal form.

Click Settings from the therapyzen's main navigation menu to go to the Custom Forms tab.

2. Portal Forms

Locate the Custom Forms tab in Settings and click the Portal Forms selector.

3. Add a custom portal form

From the Portal Forms widget, click the Create Portal Form button to launch the Form Builder to create your own custom portal form.

4. Use the form builder to create a custom portal form

Once the Form Builder launches, use the Form Builder elements from the right panel to place different form elements onto the workspace.  Start by giving your form a title by clicking the Edit Title button.

Available Form Builder Elements
  • Text Field: Use this for collecting simple text such as a first or last name.
  • Text Area: Use a text area for collecting sentences or paragraphs of information.
  • Select: Also known as a 'dropdown list', use this element to provide a list of items to choose from.
  • Checkbox Group: Use checkboxes to provide a list of options to choose from where more than one selection is allowed.
  • Radio Group: Use radio groups to provide a list of options to choose from where only one selection is allowed.
  • Date Field: Use this to collect a formatted date.
  • Number: Use this element to collect a numeric value.
  • Header: Add header text to help structure sections of your form.
  • Paragraph: Add paragraphs of text to your forms that require more context.
  • Digital Signature: Collect a well-formatted digital signature from clients.

5. Edit your form elements

Once you drag a form element on to the page, use the Edit button to configure the form element. Editing can include actions such as entering label text, configuring the type of element, or marking a field as required. As you begin adding more form elements to the page, use 'drag-and-drop' to arrange form elements in the order you would like them displayed.

(Editing Form Element Attributes)

6. Use a form template provided by Therapyzen

Therapyzen provides a small library of industry-approved templates that you may insert as your custom form. This will provide you with a head start on customizing and completing your own custom portal forms. Feel free to edit and save changes to these forms to be used in your client portal.

Click Done once you have completed your custom portal form.

7. Preview, Edit, Copy or Delete a custom portal form

Use the provided action buttons for each custom portal form to preview, edit, copy or delete.

8. Enable a custom portal form

Custom forms will always default to being turned OFF until you manually turn them on. This prevents you from using incomplete custom forms that aren't quite ready yet. You should always confirm that you are done editing custom forms before you turn them to the ON position.  Turning a portal form on will not add it to the portal.  Adding portal forms must be done from the client profile.

Custom form versioning

You might add, remove or revise your custom portal forms over time. It is important to know that clients who complete portal forms will keep the version that was available to them at the time it was filled out. Once you edit, add or remove  a custom form, those forms are used moving forward, they are not retroactive.
Client Portal Forms Overview - Video

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