Attaching Digital Documents to Your Intake

TherapyZen's digital intake can also include file attachments for download.  Follow these steps to upload digital documents into your client intake. While completing the intake, your clients will be given the opportunity to download or print them.  

1. Getting started

Navigate to the Settings area of TherapyZen by using the main navigation.

2. Client portal settings

Once you get to Settings, go to the tab titled Client Portal

3. Select your documents for upload

Locate the Client Intake Attachments widget at the bottom of the page and click the Select Files button to browse for your custom documents.

4. Initiate your file upload

Once your documents have been selected and staged for upload, click the Upload Files button to initiate the upload.

Rules for uploading attached documents:

  1. Maximum allowed file size is 10 MB (10240 KB)
  2. Uploading duplicate files will not overwrite existing attachments. To avoid storing duplicates, please review the list of current attachments and delete old files prior to upload

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