Setting Clinician Default Service Types

Clinicians in a group practice can set their own default service types and rates to make appointment scheduling more streamlined. Follow these steps to override your practice's defaults to ensure that appointments created for you use your preferred services and rates.

1. Getting started

Click your profile icon in the Therapyzen header bar to navigate to your personal settings.

2. Service types

Find and located the Service Types tab located on your profile.

3. Find and edit

Locate a service type that you would like to override and click the Edit button to make your changes.

4. Update your service rate and set your default

Set the service type as your default service type for new appointments scheduled on the appointment calendar. You may also update the service rate for any of your appointments that get scheduled using this service. Click Save to update and store your changes.

Good To Know: Customizing your service rates will override the practice defaults for any service type of yours, not just the service type you set as your default.

5. See it in action

Once your default service type and rate are set, go to the appointment calendar and verify that your selected service and rate is set by default for any new appointments.

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