Upcoming Events
The scheduling calendar in Therapyzen is not just for therapy appointments. Use the calendar to schedule other types of events such as; workshops, meetings and anything else you need to keep track of. Scheduling an event is just like scheduling an appointment.
1. Scheduling an event
Go to the TherapyZen calendar and select a date and time for your event. Double click the calendar slot to display the new appointment/event form.
2. Complete the event details form
Use the form provided to enter all of your event details. Here is a list of options for setting up your event:
- Set your begin and end date/time
- Enter the title of your new event
- Verify that the timezone is correctly set to the timezone where the event will be taking place. (Typically this will be the timezone you are in.)
- If this is an All Day Event, check this option to enter the start and end day. This is the option you would use for scheduling a multi-day vacation.
- Add some notes to your event to provide more detailed information
- Invite fellow staff members to your event. Fellow staffers will have the opportunity to accept or deny your request.
- Set the event to repeat and set parameters on how and when the event should repeat.
3. Save your event
Click ' Save' to create your event and you'll see your event appear on the scheduling calendar. Double-click the event to display the edit form for making changes. Saved events will remain on the calendar as well as the Events area of your dashboard.