Share a Client Record with Other Clinicians

Co-counseling requires that multiple clinicians have access to the client being co-counseled. By default, only the primary clinician and clinician-admins have access to the PHI (Personal Health Information) of a client record. Follow these steps to grant fellow clinicians access to your client record.

1. Getting started

Navigate to the client record you would like to share with a fellow clinician. Locate and click the Clinicians tab on the client's record.

2. Select clinicians to share the client record with

Use the dropdown menu to select a clinician. Once selected, click the Assign Clinician button to grant that clinician access to this client's record. You will remain the primary clinician for this record, however selected clinicians will also have access.

The primary clinician is the clinician referenced in all emails and appointment reminders generated by Therapyzen.

3. Manage clinician sharing for the client record

Add unlimited clinicians to this tab to grant access to the client's record. Click the delete button (x) to remove clinicians from the list and deny access.

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