Clients Messaging from the Portal

Your clients can initiate and reply to your messages very easily.  All messages initiated by a client are done so from the client portal.  For privacy and security reasons, a client can not initiate, view, or reply to any message outside of the client portal.

1. Sending a message from the portal:

To send a message, your client will start by navigating to the messaging area.  The messaging icon is located in the header of therapyzen portal.

2. Creating a new conversation:

From the main messaging area, your client will select from the available list of recipients.  Optional recipients include: primary clinician, secondary assigned clinicians, administrators & billing personnel.  Once they have selected a recipient and entered their message, they will click the Send button.

3. Maintain an ongoing conversation:

Clients will use the list of ongoing conversations to the left to read and reply to previous messages from your team.  

4. New message notifications:

The messages icon in therapyzen's portal header bar will notify your clients of new messages and how many await them. 

4a. New message notifications (for clients):

Clients will receive an email notification informing them they have new private messages from your practice.  They will be prompted to sign in to access them.  If your client has not yet activated their portal account, they will be prompted to complete their portal activation first.

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