Set Client Records to Inactive

Set a client's record to inactive if they are no longer an active client participating in therapy. Inactive clients do not get deleted, instead their record will not show up in client searches or appear in lists of active clients. Inactive clients can be reactivated at any time.

1. Getting started

Click Clients in the main navigation menu to navigate to the clients area of TherapyZen.

2. Locate the client to inactivate

Click the Client Name in the client list to go to the client record you want to set to inactive.

3. Click the active/inactive toggle switch

Use the provided toggle switch to set a client's status to Active or Inactive.

4. How to view inactive client records

To view your list of Inactive clients, use the provided filter in the Clients area to display the filter options.  Check the Active or Inactive box to filter your list of clients by their current status.

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