Collect Client Insurance Information

Therapyzen's Insurance information form enables you to request insurance information from clients in the client portal, while having information pre-populate into their Client Profile and Billing Forms, saving you time by eliminating duplicate data entry of insurance fields. Clients are able to manually enter their information, and upload a picture of the front & back of their insurance card.

Manually add a client's insurance information to their profile

Navigate to Client's Profile > Insurance Information

You will be able to view existing insurance information on file for a client, modify existing insurance information, and add secondary insurance. 

There can only be one Primary policy per client, and Primary policies are prioritized over Secondary policies. Other fields that you'll be prompted to complete regarding your client's policy: 

  • Relationship to policy holder 
  • Effective Date 
  • Policy Group Number 
  • Member ID

Please note, these fields need to be properly completed in order to generate a CMS 1500 claim that will successfully processed by the client's insurer. 

If the relationship to the policy holder is anything other than "Self," a new set of fields will appear. You must collect the following information: 

  • Policy Holder's first & name 
  • Policy Holder's date of birth 
  • Policy Holder's address (if same as the client, can check the box "Use Client's Address" 
  • Policy Holder's gender (must indicate male or female for insurance purposes) 
  • Insurance details (member ID number, group number, plan, etc) 

While clients can do so themselves, providers can also upload pictures of the client's insurance card from their profile, under the Attachments tab. 

How clients input their insurance information

Clients using the client portal also have access to the insurance information form.  They too can attach images of their insurance card using the Attachments area of the client portal.

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